It started on the greatest PUB ever! It appear to be close to my flat and it’s a place where you can sit in a really good atmosphere with a great public and watch sport games. But the greatest thing about it is that they make there own beer there. I met my old friends and we watched a football game)))
On a next day I went to a club named Opera. I can’t say I really like this place but I’ve met my close friend there and it made this night really great. Plus it was the lust night I saw him because he was living the country… I will miss the friendship we had.
The craziness started on a next day when I decided to meet with my other friend to have a drink in a cafe. Then we went to the club name Ray and that was a fatal mistake!!! We've got so drunk there, we end up breakfasting with a shoots of B52 in the after party club)
On a lust day I went on a fashion show at evening and promise to my self I will go back home after! Well.. I couldn’t go before I would see the “burn” girls dancing naked with a commercial body art on them. That is so typically Russian! I loved it.
The party ended in a morning pub with me, my friend and some guys wee just met comparing our fists… I couldn’t stand up from the bed all the next day! It was totally crazy! Hope next time I wont go out for four days non stop!
The main thing I understood, you can’t kill your pain and loneliness by drinking in a fancy clubs or chasing some guys you don’t even care about just to be with someone. You need to learn to face your problems and learn to live with them!
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