Here goes my first blog in here. I've never been to smart and to shore in my self to believe that something I would write people will actually like to read. But than I thought – Hey, I’m not so special so what, I still have some
ideas I would like to share with people.
I’m not going to write about fashion and TV here. Lust thing I want to do after eight years of work in show biz is talk about it in my free time! So fashion and glum lovers, sorry this blog wont be to interesting for you for you. And one more… I’m from Moscow. So I don’t write that good in English. Sorry)

Well let’s skip explaining and go straight to bloging!
2 комментария:
боже... мать, это невероятно тяжело...Я понимаю о чем ты пишешь, но общий контекст моментально забывается мной как только я дочитываю до конца твой пост...
.. я буду очень стараться..)))
Having in mind that I was in Moscow few months ago, I can tell you that your English is almost perfect. Its very hard to find in Moscow people that speak english well.
So, this is your first blog...can't wait to see what's next
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